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In support of libraries

When was the last time you went to a library?  Growing up, going to the library was a treat – choosing an armload of big, beautiful picture books that could come home with me, to be read over and over again to my heart’s content.  And then go back and do it again the next week.  The library was a peaceful, safe adventure.  My mother let me wander the stacks by myself and make my own choices, even though she was frustrated with how long it took me to graduate from pictures books to chapter books.  When my own children were small, we spent a lot of time at the library, and I let them pick books on their own, just like my mother let me. 

While on a recent rant (ranting being one of my favorite pastimes) about How Kids Today Don’t Read, it hit me just how grateful I am for libraries.

To start at the most basic – reading is just plain good for you.  Not only does it give you access to information that you may not have already had (learning!), it expands your vocabulary, improves memory function, and slow the brain’s aging process.  And while it may be true that smart people read, it’s also true that reading makes you smart.

But books are expensive – authors, publishers, editors, bookstore employees – all need to earn a living, and that cost has to be built into the price of a book.  Given how much I indulge in this particular addiction, I would never be able to pay full price for every book I read. 

I can go the library, though, and poof, all these books are free!  No matter what size your local library is, you couldn’t read every book in it in your lifetime.  And while I by no means want bookstores to go out of business (I love them nearly as much as I love libraries), I am grateful that there is a way for me feed this addiction. 

Furthermore, the modern library is so much more than books – at the tiny branch in our tiny town you can see art shows and live concerts and attend club meetings.  You can research your genealogy, learn to knit, and paint, and play video games.  There are programs for small children, computers and internet connections, free passes to nearby museums, even wine and beer tastings.  I can check out CDs, ebooks for my tablet, and audio books for my commute.  Libraries in larger and urban communities offer tutoring, job hunting and tax filing assistance, and sometimes even a safe, warm harbor for those who otherwise have nowhere to go.  One would assume that the internet means students no longer need to spend the day in the library doing research for school reports, but it’s naïve and arrogant to assume that everyone has a computer and internet access, or that libraries have nothing to offer the 21st century student. 

Libraries are a microcosm of what a democracy should look like, defending freedom and the right to information, sharing and cooperation, inclusion and generosity.  Publicly funded, community-supported, egalitarian.  The library is peaceful.  Everyone knows you have to be quiet in the library.  No running, no shouting, no arguing.  Librarians, in my experience, are kind, patient, helpful, welcoming and smart, but they brook no nonsense.  Middle East peace talks should be held in a library.  Political debates should be moderated by librarians. 

Sadly, libraries are in danger – they’re an easy target for grandstanding politicians and local citizenry unaware of the contribution libraries deliver to their communities.  Budgets are cut, leading to shortened hours, reduced services, fewer materials, even complete closures.  But while libraries cannot be considered profit centers, they deliver far more than is spent on them.  My own research, from a number of sources, shows average annual per capita cost in the low $30-range with an ROI of about five to one.  As far as I’m concerned, an annual investment of $30 with a return of $150 in value is money extremely well spent, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment.  Cutting library budgets as a way to save money is short-sighted and counter-productive. 

So when was the last time you were in a library?  If it’s not a regular destination for you, make a change and visit your local branch soon.  Browse the stacks, find a comfy chair in the corner and read, talk (quietly) to a librarian – learn something new, be an explorer, have an adventure.  


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