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Showing posts from October, 2017

Stop Complaining

There’s no such thing as a perfect life.  It’s filled with obstacles, start to finish.  From the time we are born, utterly helpless and dependent, to the time we die, however that death may come.  In between, we face challenges that span the mundane, the unique, and the tragic. Life is hard.  It just is.  What separates success from failure is how we deal with difficulties.  Success means working hard, training, learning, improving, figuring out what challenges you are up against and how you’re going to get around them.  Complaining means blaming someone else for your problems, and then sitting smugly back as though you’ve done your part.  If complaining is your coping mechanism, you’re bound to fail . Everyone complains, it’s human nature.  But what does it accomplish?  I’m not talking about sticking up for yourself, pointing out a wrong that needs to be righted, or asking for help.  It’s not complaining if you’re ...