I truly love writing this blog, but sometimes I struggle to decide what I’m going to write about. And so I troll the internet, looking for topics that would lend themselves to my industry in general and, I hope, my job specifically. But as anyone who has gotten lost in the nooks and crannies of the internet knows (sticky, tangled web indeed), it’s easy as all get-out to be distracted by the minutiae. I've been keeping a list, and here are just a few tidbits that sparked my interest: Scientists believe the Greenland shark can live over 500 years. Full disclosure – the dating method is inexact. The particular shark in question might be anywhere from 272 to 512 years old, but most likely is about 400. And one study in the journal Aging Research Reviews notes a deep-sea sponge from the species Monorhaphis chuni lived to be 11,000 years old. Sponges, by the way, are animals, not plants, which is another fascinating fact I learned. ...