I recently read about a self-help guru trying to quiet his mind enough to find sleep and it got me thinking about my own train of thought, which goes something like this: I need to pull yesterday’s numbers so I can update that spreadsheet. What happened yesterday? The kids had a snow day. Did John remember his lunch this morning? What do I need at the grocery store? What’s going on this weekend? How many days left until my birthday? Ugh, so old! I’m going to check LinkedIn and Twitter to do some research, find inspiration, write an article. Why am I so tired? Focusing is hard! The open office environment that so encourages collaboration and team-building also creates intrusive ambient noise. If you’re anything like me, this is disruptively distracting. The technology we’re surrounded by and actively embrace forces multi-tasking in everything we do, not just at work. We check email while watching TV, make ph...